Its a fact never trust someone who collects money, someone who preaches religion, or someone who cant count past three. These people are not to be trusted with the time of day let alone anything of value. I did all my bit crossed by t dotted my I. I got assurances of dates and min/max time periods. All this for naught as some foolish idiot with the barest semblance of a mind lost pieces of my vital information.
Its not so much the mistake that ranks, its the blatant refusal to admit a mistake or make any allowances there to. All the while casually admitting a vital service is taking almost three weeks to open its mail at the moment. To say I was disgusted would be polite.
Thankfully with a bit of money juggling and wizardy as only honest people can do my Mum showed me how I could pull it all off. I need to make a lot of phone calls and the margin of error is small but hopefully, touch wood, disaster has been abated.
Head hunters...