Okay so I've arrived. I think the chronological breakdown the best. So let it begin.
Wake up at the crack of dawn and rush packing, I end up forgetting one or two things but nothing serious. However around 0800 I'm out of the door. I arrive at the airport. I have some trouble with the ticket because of my name stuff. I then get worked over by customs. Grrrr.
Arrive in Paris around 1300, local time, the French are dirty and unorganised. I get taken aside and worked over by French customs, my mp3 player runs out of power. Fun time isn't it. I then wait and wait and finally board the plane at 17:55.
I watched Firewall, and some other film I forget. Bleh. I arrive in JHB at 0640, late surprise surprise from the French bastards. Collect my Luggage, then Cris and Nats (who I first confused with her Sister Dom) are there to pick me up.
I feel a whole load better. Oh we grab the first real food since Monday. Then arrive at the flat. After attacking Dom I ran off to the Club House to join Little Lan. I ran into a whole bunch of people. Feeling even better.
Then I go back to the flat to watch Kuni's game. I will post a rant about this at another time. Needless to say it was funny to watch but a complete mess.
We then ran off to Zeplins and assaulted the dance floor. Then early morning pulled ourselves back. Oh at this point I should mention Marrita and her cats are sleeping over this night because someone tried to break into her place.
So in first day checklist.
- South African Food and Wine
- Seeing most of my friends
- Played in a TKV lan
- TKV roleplaying
- Zeplins
- Crime against self, or friend
I'm trying to remember what I did on this day. I cant I know in the evening we played 30 seconds, drank lots. Henkie hit on a twelve year old. Oh not to mention Brenden, projectile vomit. That boys smokes and drinks more than a Brit. Scary I know. Oh also they broke into Marita house while she was sleeping over and stole everything.
Cris rushing around cause she is leaving today. Made wireframe for Nats wings. Oh also went for cocktails at Cheeky monkey.
Went shopping for fabric, and foam for wings. Tried to finish them for Sun to Moon. Sadly didn't finish, no biggie because Nats didn't make it to Sun to Moon. Then that night we went out for Chris Visser's Birthday party. Afterwards people went to Vamp and Zeps but I crashed.
Crashed again, then went to Breden's place for drinks and lanning. Looong day.
Ran around town got a bunch of stuff done. Still need to do Bus tickets and Bank through :( Oh well they will get done. Then Henkie Channel of Power game, my old campaign group, played at Doms place.
It was interesting to watch but I wanted to kill Henkie at times. His game has been declared non-canon cause he is not following rules, or system flow. Oh yes this is the first day I'm not drunk.