Bad bad girl, I know I should keep up to date with this but its hard getting into a routine when nothing else is in a routine.
The job hunt continues, I need to step up my looking currently I'm not giving it enough force. I'm fighting with Vodacom, bah I mean Vodafone. See in South Africa they call themselves Vodacom.
So how is the course?
Well Friday introduction lecture opened the entire thing. I must say well my classmates are all young, and most the presentations left me thinking of cabbage there is hope. The course is well structured, class is small. At the end of the class we had an UTK3 lame. Now remembering last time I've touch this game is two years ago, I haven't played any real shooters since. Not to mention I was the worse in my commune. Well I had blazing trail of victories. This made me feel real bad so I was all so quiet, cause I didn't want to bruise any egos. I must admit I expected a higher gaming caliber however. Oh well, I'm sure it will improve.
Our Maths lecturer is fun, she is very intelligent and intuitive with the class. It looks to be a good year ahead. After yesterday's lecture I dragged Duncan, and Emma to Tokyo for a drink cause well I needed to get to know some of these kids sooner or later. Funny story they asked for ID's, I haven't been asked for that since I was 17.