Welcome one and all to Game Programmers in Training. We have done it ladies and gentlemen. The site is up and the podcast feed works. Can you believe it. I know I didn't quite make my midnight launch window but hey nobodies perfect. So anyway its there. This being I first podcast is a bit of an introduction.
- Who are we and what are we doing here?
- What does our Games degree entail?
- What your first game should be?
I hope you enjoy it. On a technical note this is our first cast so I apoligise in advance for any audio glitches. I spent the better part of 3 days tweaking audio and getting used to the tools. I'm pretty confident with my new knowledge both with recording and editing I will cut that down to a under 2 hours. I'm doing everything I can that doesn't eat away at my moth ridden pockets.
We need FEEDBACK so we can tailor the cast to whats needed. Thanks in advance.
Here are the feeds for the cast. You can also grab them off the podcast page.