Emma and I are BACK! I'm still finding where where put Hamster so in the mean time I grabbed a pet from our class. So we were cursed, its been decided. This week we talk about Wii, PS3 and Gears of Wars launch.
Some Stuff we talk about
- Out of Order Execution
- AI Live Move
- Gears of War Commercial
- WII US Commercial
- WII UK Commercial
- PS3 Commercial BABY
- PS3 Commercial EGGS
- Smash my PS3
- Smash my WII
Hope it satisfies your hunger. On a side note I have ditched the background music and shuffled things around. Also the site has updated. Checkout the code page for tutorial links and other little surprises.
We need FEEDBACK so we can tailor the cast to what's needed. Thanks in advance.
- Claire Blackshaw