So Saturday night and all of Sunday was written off thanks to my house-mate having a house-party before going out for drinks, follow by early morning noise and more drinks… finally Sunday lots of hangover rugby players around the house. Preventing any real work.
The creative block was unblocked today for the Dissertation reference assignment. Here are some things I tried.
Adapting material from professional source (Book, Movie ect…). Which I dismissed due to copyright issues.
Quick-fire one paragraph summaries and Drafting interactions failed as well. Writing an enclosed interaction was hard.
So I said bugger it. I will right the bulk of a system agnostic roleplaying module. Which is prefect for several reasons.
- I’m familiar with the format and confident
- The format is detail light, really on the GM to fill in the details
- The Read Out boxes let me explore aspects of the scene
So while what I have written is not ready to go so to speak, that’s not a problem! Any further embellishment would require system, or mechanical details. This is a good brief and reference sample to work from.
Just need to clean up the draft and I’m done.