Forest of Fun

Claire's Personal Ramblings & Experiments

Python Parsing Progress

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Python Parsing Progress
Tavern Talk
Okay it doesn't look like much but there is a LOT of back-end going into this. With some good work but tonight I should be able to parse the scene script.

Still haven't solved my combination problem for the Gaussian Probability Sets. I have the question up on Math StackExchange.

So onwards to the generators!

~~ Defined Key {SEVERAL:[ 4 : 8 ]}
~~ Done Cleaning and Building Define List
~~ Done Parsing Location data

Status [Gender]          Enum : Male(50%) Female(50%)
Status [Job]             Enum : Barman(25%) Miner(25%) Gaurd(25%) Functionary(25%)
Status [Height]          NumRange [1.2:2.4]
Status [Nation]          Enum : Red(83%) Green(8%) Blue(8%)
Status [HairColour]      Enum : Red(16%) Ginger(16%) Strawberry Blond(16%) Blond(16%) Brunette(16%) Black(16%)
Status [HairStyle]       Enum : Bald(12%) Shaved(12%) Short(12%) Curly(12%) Shoulder Length(12%) Long(12%) Braided(12%)
Modifier Gender[X ]
         HairStyle : 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 0% 0% 0%
         Height : 1.9 ~ 0.4
Modifier Gender[ X]
         Job : 0% 0% 0% 100%
         HairStyle : 0% 0% 16% 16% 16% 16% 16% 16%
         Height : 1.7 ~ 0.3
Modifier Job[XXX ]
         Gender : 100% 0%
Modifier Job[ X  ]
         HairStyle : 33% 33% 33% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
Modifier Job[  X ]
         Nation : 100% 0% 0%
Modifier Nation[X  ]
         HairColour : 80% 12% 3% 3% 2% 0%
         Height : 1.7 ~ 0.2
Mutator "Tall"
         Height : 2.1 ~ 0.2
~~ Done Parsing  People data
Status [GlassFill]       NumRange [0.0:1.0]
Status [DrinkType]       Enum : Beer(25%) Wine(25%) Water(25%) Milk(25%)
Status [DieFace]         Enum : 1(16%) 2(16%) 3(16%) 4(16%) 5(16%) 6(16%)
TODO :: Parse Prop Template --> ['Dice', ['DieFace']]
TODO :: Parse Prop Template --> ['Drink', ['DrinkType, GlassFill']]
~~ Done Parsing Prop data
______ TODO :: PARSE VERBS _______
VERB Drinking REQUIRES Drink
~~ Done Parsing Verb data
Done parsing dictionary.txt