First off new job which means a bunch of things but mostly a project update.
The video should be on the main page at the time of posting but here is a link if your in the future.
I've updated the experiments page with a range of stuff. Here is a brief overview.
Software / Hardware Dev
- ThimBall Controller - Alternative VR controller design
- TinyXR - OpenXR / Vulkan engine with SDF / Volumetric approach
- Dig Deep - Game project built on TinyXR
- Magic Shop - Casual Game
- OSC Twitch Extension Bot
Books & Comics
- Ducky Book 4 - Final Draft, art ect..
- Ducky Book 5 - Starting editing and appeal pass
- Ducky Book 6 - First Draft waiting on my edit pass
- Virtually Unknown - VR history comic project
- South African Tales - Comic slice of life stories from growing up in Africa
- Space Survival - Writing 1st draft
Video Projects
- VR Interview Show - Two interviews in the can, need to work on branding and editing
- Morning Monsters - Ongoing but a more Tech / VR slant with occasional Game Dev now
- Skate Southwark - Skate all of April challenge and new YT Channel
- AR Short Stories - TikTok / YT Short format project in RnD atm
So yeah a ton going on. Some of it will slow down as I start the new job which I will be letting you all know about soon.