![[72 Hour] Progress Report](/images/blog/progress01.png)
There are only 2 days, 15 hours, 8 minutes, and 16 seconds remaining.
Okay well the Theme is MAGNETS! Which I'm really happy for. I teamed up with Edge he is going to be my artist. I got the theme ran off to Kendo and got back, so I missed the first 5 hours or so of the comp. What do I have running so far.
- Draw Scrollable Map
- Draw Mini Map
- Scroll Map
- Relate Mouse to Game Board Pos
- Calc Field Equation for any point on board
- Full 2D Vector Class
I'm proud of how much I've got done. I'm moving a lot faster than last Ludum Dare. Edge and I are still hankering over a game idea but the framework is good for both ideas. Personally I think the Marble one is a strong idea though. Oh well I need to catch some shut eye so see you all in the morning.