Yes folks 100 posts in the blog! Pity it couldn't be more significant.
I know this screen doesn't look like much but well it is. The sequence of events is as follows.
- Get PTK and Chipmunk setup and build framework.
- Discover PTK and Chipmunk screw each other over due to the one being compiled /MD and the other /MT
- Spend Hours attempt to fix this
- FAIL!!!
- Try some more with help, reinstall both libraries and tweak
- Choose a new platform.... SDL
- Realise you haven't used SDL in over 3 years
- Go play a bit of Burnout: Paradise
- Get SDL working after a few tears
- Like a sensible person use OpenGL
- Realise you haven't coded in OpenGL in over 2 years.
- Cry some more
- With the help of X-Out and others revise your knowledge and dig up old projects to refresh memory.
- Swear at libaries
- Tinker
- Get Black Screen... run around in celebration.
- Get Lines on Screen
Intersperse that with a thumping headache, and extremly regular breaks to visit the WC (thank you being ill on a long weekend without access to doctor). Not to mention a few self inflicted incidents of head tramau as you punish yourself for a million stupid newbie mistakes.
Oh well now I can get back to the weekend of code.