Okay so I’m dropping out of the compo, with 12 hours left to go. I could make a game but the important parts are done and I just got a much needed reminder to get back on track.
So going into this compo the intention was always to focus on XNA, my tech, and pushing my understanding of both forward by doing a quick use case of a game (i.e. LD)
Which I’ve done, things I’ve learnt and coded since Friday night
Things Learnt
- Polar Coordinates are NOT generalised
- Learnt Spherical Coordinate system
- Leant much more about the DX render pipeline
- Learnt about Drawable Components
- Learnt more about generic collections
- Localised Gravity System
- Lots of Maths muscles flexed
Re-useable Code
- Helper Class for Polar Coordinate
- Helper Class for Spherical Coordinate
- Built Orbital Camera based on Spherical Coordinates
- Proper Debug Render Component
So lets get back to Frank. I’m going to ignore the animation problems for now as they are a bit of a brick wall and instead look as some game and behaviour based things. Not to mention plugging the LD code into the Frank Project.