So while it's fresh I'm writing up LD34, a successful failure. First time ever the theme's were tied so we ending up doing both growing and two button. Which are both great themes.My idea quickly came once I dismissed anything based on plant growing for reasons I shan 't discuss here. So I quickly settled on the idea of a ball bouncing away from an explosion shedding mass, grabbing other bits of shrapnel and trying to keep gaining mass to stay alive and ahead of the explosion.
So this weekend the theme was <strong>Discovery</strong> which really inspired me. The plan was simple. Build a 3D Spatial Puzzle based on a secret phrase. The phrase is revealed when the person completes the puzzle. The idea is you could share secrets or even send messages to people in a playful fashion. I really like the concept.
So basically that's the game flow detailed there. The mission select is of course random. Tonight development goal is as follows: Build a blueprint and save it, One Page Designs...
So POV declared The October Challenge : Make a game in a month and sell it. New Grid system for Game. The game is relatively simple and based in the Channels of Power world using some ideas fr...
Right Ive moved over most the nice LD code into the Frank project, cleaned up a few things here and there. Made it play nice with the World Manager system. First thing I did after getting...
Okay so Im dropping out of the compo, with 12 hours left to go. I could make a game but the important parts are done and I just got a much needed reminder to get back on track. So going i...
Aaargh Maths! After a whole load of confusion between expanded polar coordinates and spherical coordinates which took the better part of the day Ive managed to generate the map.<br />On
So another weekend and more pain! :D. I threw this together from some of my old art...
Hi guys and girls, I'm crunching through my maths assignment and what not. I had a few spare hours today but I threw them at an incomplete entry into LD48 I know I know priorities. Go check out t...
Come join us for another great 48hr game comp. Ludum Dare! This weekend we join the insanity known as game development in the truest spirit of creativity and basement coding. Ludum Dare...
TWEEK Version. Last night spent a few minutes changing controls and adding a speed setting because some people were confused by the control system. Apparently my reflex's are Ninja-like, bleh...
You never collapse the day after a true crunch, a feeble attempt you crash the day after but a proper grin you run on adrenaline and string for a while longer then after you get a proper sleep, zom...
CLICK HERE FOR FINAL SUBMISSION. Notice there wil be a later polished version by the weekend. Oh well midnight rolled around. It was 4 hours from the deadline but it was the deadline I set myse...
31 Hours. It seems rest has helped. A lot of time on sprites and a determination of a blind dominatrix in latex. I will complete this game and it will b...
28 Hours in. With under twenty hours left on the clock I need to start rushing. To took 5 hours out, 4 for sleep and 1 for bath and to just freshen up.
19 Hours. Insanity is not merely a state of mind is a state of the Cthulian Empire. To answer your questions the code has once more blurred into nothingness. I'm going to have something to eat and...
14 Hours. Basic collision detection setup. Still a bit to buggy. Might need to put some kind of turning curve on the worms. Also looking at stopping them flocking but move in the same direction sl...
7 Hours In. Okay I've been up since early this morning coding Dune Worms. The attack is taking FOREVER to code. I've been hitting lots of glitches and stupid mistakes on my part. Currently I'm...
The voting as it stands at the moment, the top five are. 211 - Magnetism (attraction repulsion) 148 - Swarms. 111 - Infinite Levels (random/procedural generation) 102 - Evolution...
Okay I didn't update yesterday. Bad Claire, no chocolate, none not a piece. Okay back in the world of the sane I have recently raised the Cthulu alert to orange today. Sometime, somwhere insanity i...
Magical C++, oh the insanity I have signed up for a weekend of code. Ludum Dare 48 Hour comp . Basically you get given a brief and you have 48 hours to make a game that works. Basically you depri...