Output Log
Created World[Game World] Building Basic Prop [Template] Frank.Island.WorldProp Building Basic Prop [Building Template] Frank.Island.Building Building Container Prop [Container Template] Frank.Island.Container Building Inventory Prop [Inventory Template] Frank.Island.Inventory Building Ingediant Inventory Prop [Ingrediant Template] Frank.Island.Ingrediant Building Tool Inventory Prop [Tool Template] Frank.Island.Tool Building Food Inventory Prop [Food Template] Frank.Island.Food Added Obj[Island] to World[Game World] Added Obj[Hand] to World[Game World] Added Obj[HandCam] to World[Game World]
It might not look like much but that little but of text output proves the hacked type system works. It’s horrible, sadly I’ve wasted a weekend trying to do things the “correct way” and failing.
If I have time I want to investigate alternatives
// Horrible HORRIBLE System!!!
// Possibly replace if time permits, or else gourge out my eyes in shame
// Game Gems 1: Magic of Data-Driven Design by Steve Rabin
// Game Gems 2: A Game Entity Factory by F D Laramee
// Reflection and C# System.Activator.CreateInstance(…)
// See: http://forums.xna.com/forums/t/39891.aspx
Ah well it works and I have a meeting with my supervisor. Hopefully by tonight I will have that Tree & Oven in game.